• 256Rusty
    2017/03/30(木) 19:02:05 ID:N5EFEJPo0
    a second pryneancg. Women were placed into a category depending on whether their body mass index (BMI, an indicator of weight for height) increased, decreased or remained the same at their second
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  • 257Kalin
    2017/03/30(木) 19:14:53 ID:N5EFEJPo0
    "a Japanese student who pointed out that, because Japan is so culturally homogenous, in many situations a Japanese person need say almost nothing,"Japanese can be thought of as a &qepu;teltgraohic" language. In English, if we were writing or speaking we would say, "I left the keys on the desk. I'll be back on Friday. I'll try to call you tomorrow." but if sending a telegram, we would write, "Left keys on desk. Back on Friday. Try to call tomorrow." and be perfectly understood. In Japanese, telegraphic sentences are the norm in everyday speech.
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  • 258Viki
    2017/03/30(木) 19:15:22 ID:N5EFEJPo0
    I wish! We;r&2178#e heading straight to Fairbanks, AK. Brr! It was already -20F the other night up there. I totally agree about the beauty of Washington State and British Columbia; never before my visit here did I comprehend such majesty!
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